Mesin Multifungsi Ukuran A3 yang Efisien

Mempermudah setiap tugas pekerjaan kantor Anda

DocuCentre-S2011-imgCepat :

  • Kecepatan Cetak hingga 20 ppm
  • Hanya membutuhkan waktu 7,4 detik untuk salinan pertama

Fitur Produktifitas :

  • Terdapat fitur Copy ID mempermudah untuk fotocopy KTP/ ID Card
  • Mencetak beberapa halaman pada satu lembar kertas
  • Output toner bisa disesuaikan
  • Mencetak bisa sampai 999 halaman dalam satu kali proses

Copy/ Print :

  • B/W 20 ppm
  • Colour 10 ppm

Spesifikasi Fuji Xerox DocuCentre S2011

Black & White Print speed (ppm) 20
A3 BW print speed 10
Resolution 600×600 dpi
FPOT 7.4 Second or less
Warm up time 19 Second or less
Memory 256 MB
PDL HBPL (Host Based Print Language)
Connectivity USB 2.0
Operating system Windows


Paper Handling

Input (Standard) Tray1 : 250 Sheets, Bypass Tray 100 sheets
Input (Optional) One Tray Module (Tray2) : 500 sheets
Output Capacity 250 sheets  (A4 LEF)
Paper weight (gsm) 60 to 90gsm
Monthly duty cycle Up to 24.5K pages
Dimension (WxDxH) 595 x 584 x 569 mm
Weight 33 kg
Duplex printing Standard
Paper capacity ( Standard ) Tray1 : 250 sheets, Bypass Tray 100 sheets
Paper capacity (Max) 850 Sheets
(Tray1 + One Tray Module + Bypass Tray)
Paper Output Option One Tray Module (Tray2) : 500 sheets



Copy speed (ppm) 20.000
Copy Resolution (dpi) 600 x 600 dpi
FCOT (Second) 7.4 second or less (A4 LEF)
Continuous copy (pages) Up to 999 sheets
Copy features Automatic 2-sided copy, Reduce/enlarge, Background suppression, Electronic sort, ID card copy, N –up(2up/4up), Booklet creation, Book copy, Clone copy (platen copy), Poster copy (platen copy) , Toner Save Mode, Auditron copy (up to 10 users)






Type Colour CIS
Scan resolution (dpi) B / W : 600 x 600 dpi, 400 x 400 dpi, 300 x 300 dpi, 200 x 200 dpi, Colour : 400 x 400 dpi, 300 x 300 dpi, 200 x 200 dpi
Colour depth (bits) 24
Scan Destination USB Drive
File support PDF



Power consumption AC220-240 V +/- 10%, 6 A, 50/60 Hz



Terms 1 Year On – Site